Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Martin Luther King Day

Noah and I had a wonderful relaxing day in the sun. We met his parents at the fish market and had appetizers. Randy and Judy were in town for the weekend and stayed at the Westgate(where Noah was a bellman). After that we said our goodbyes and they headed back to OC. We went home grabbed our beach cruisers and went for a ride through Balboa Park. While we were riding we were talking and realized we only have one week left in our neighborhood (that we LOVE)..we cant believe it. We have lived in our home for over 2 years now and we are REALLY going to miss friends/neighbors, restaurants, shops, our walks or bike rides through BEAUTIFUL balboa park/downtown/Hillcrest and so much more. I cant believe Noah leaves in 14 days:( AHHHHHH!!!
Noah and the water..we love the Harbor!!

Randy and Judy


Going into Balboa park...we cant get enough of it

Love the view!!!
We had a great day and love spending time together...Noah- You are my best friend!!! I love you so much, and cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I am so lucky to have you in my life!!!! Thank you for all you do:)

1 comment:

Mark Walker said...

What a fun week end. You are Noah look so happy and in love.