Tuesday, November 30, 2010

First photoshoot

Elle didnt and doesnt like to be naked AT ALL...so between a couple feedings, calming her down, and a few breaks....

Amanda from {sweet cheeks photography..Sweetcheeksphotos.com }got some adorable shots!!!

We love this little girl to pieces!!!! She has daddy wrapped around her little finger already

1 comment:

Shawna said...

I drop in every once in a while to see what you are up to. Your mom gave me your blog address when I saw her at Uncle Jay's funeral. I don't know if you remember me or not since we were all so little last time we saw each other, but of the Gardner girls I am Shawna, the youngest.
I just had to leave a comment after seeing the photos and tell you that she is such a beautiful baby. I loved the photos. I'm glad everything went well for you during delivery.