Monday, January 7, 2008

How we met.....

In Dec of 2004, we were both working and opened the Marriott Gaslamp hotel downtown. Noah was a Bellman and I was a Hostess. I dont remember seeing him at the training or work for about 6 months. One morning he came in the restaurant to get coffee(mind you we had it in the employee cafeteria) I said hello as he entered my territory. I didnt really think anything because i had a boyfriend. It became a routine after that to come get coffee from me. Everyday it got a little more fun:) About a month later I found out he had a girlfriend from our co-worker/friend Jen. I didnt care because i had a bf too. We still would flirt and have fun conversations. A few months went by..throughout that time we would talk about our relationships and how we didnt want to be in them anymore...blah blah blah. Anyway, one morning he came in and the first thing he told me was that he broke up with his girlfriend. THAT WAS THE DAY:) My relationship was getting old and i was over it, so what did i do?!?! Got rid of the boy and i was free. Guess who found out i was single?! Yup Mr Noah. SO..the game started. We started talking a lot more. I talked to me mom about him and it was such a fun crush:) One day i was driving home from Disneyland(2 hour drive)and i was bored so i called Jen and asked her for his number(he is SO stubborn..but yes i asked for a guys number)and she gave it to me. I called him and talked for awhile..since that phone call we have been together ever since. March of 2005. The picture at the top was the very first picture i had of us. It looks kind of weird because his fam was in the picture and i wanted just a picture of us on my computer so i cropped them out.


Suz said...

Yay, Aunt Sparky! I'm proud of you for joining the blogging club, even without kids.

love you!

The Walkers said...

I didn't even know you started a blog! Yay!! Now we can really keep up with what's going on with you!! Love you! Can't wait for next week!

Elise and Danny Neilsen said...

How Fun!!! You guys are way cute! I'm so happy you commented on my blog. I tried connecting to your blog a week or so ago but it wouldn't let me so I connected through Suz's blog! You seem to be doing well! I'm excited to be updated on whats goin on in your life!
Love, Elise

janet said...

I was going to comment on Denett blog about the cute pictures of her sis in law... but then I decided to come straight to the source. Cute story about meeting your boyfriend-- he is handsome!

Anyway, just stopping by to say that I think you are a doll. Good luck with all that you have going on!