Saturday, June 6, 2009

Im doing it...

I never thought i would actually sign up and run in a race. Im really not a big runner, but i decided this is something that i have to train for, it will get me in better shape AND i paid 75 to run in the race so i cant back down. So yup, Allie is running 13.1 miles on August 16.
I was talking to my brother yesterday about it, and he said "why would you pay to run in a race. You can just pay me 40 and ill drive next to you, play music, and have water for you." We were laughing so hard. I know its silly but there is something about racing with thousands of people just sounds like so much fun. I just cant wait for the race!!!! Wish me off for a run as we speak


rockinmama said...

yay!!! good for you! i could never do that...i am *so* bad at matter HOW much i spin! =) hope to see you soon, it has been a WHILE! lmk if you want to hook up about invites too. =)

Elise and Danny Neilsen said...

Oh, you are gonna LOVE it!!! I was hooked after running my first Half!!! It is seriously a High you get from running! And once you experience your first runners High, you don't want to stop EVER!!! Good Luck! Do you have a good training program? I have a good one that I followed if you need one!

The Leslie Family said...

Hey! We HAVE to hang out in July! I am coming with just my little guy. Maybe we can go to the beach or a park with Cami! I hate running too...I just started playing outdoor VB though and it kicks my butt! I'm an old fart mom haha! Well I will call you or something when I'm there. It's July 17th! OH...I am actually helping my mom with Heather Snod's wedding so maybe you should go :) See ya!

Ruth said...

Good luck, Allie; you will have a great time and something to be really proud of!